Carolina University is excited to commence a partnership with North Hills Elementary School in Winston-Salem. The partnership was announced at a press conference held in North Hills on August 8th. North Hills Elementary School serves a particularly vulnerable population in Winston-Salem and seeks to provide an excellent education to students who are more likely to be experiencing poverty and need. The collaboration was initiated by Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough, who brought together a coalition of community leaders to assist North Hills in its worthy endeavors.

Dr. Charles Petitt speaking at North Hills Elementary School
Dr. Charles Petitt, President of CU, addressed the audience at the event on August 8th and spoke about how the partnership is perfectly aligned with Piedmont’s own mission to serve the community. Dr. Petitt emphasized the need for compassion and spoke about how Piedmont graduates have been working with disadvantaged communities both in the area and beyond. He gave examples of the Piedmont Renewal Network and other initiatives spearheaded by CU to mentor and support young people with the potential to make a difference. Dr. Sandeep Gopalan, Vice Chancellor, spoke about how the partnership would benefit both institutions. He emphasized CU’s commitment to developing character in addition to intellectual abilities and outlined the benefits to students and faculty at both institutions.
You can read coverage about the partnership in the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper here.
Photo Credit: Walt Unks/Winston-Salem Journal