Dr. Matt Smith
Lead Pastor of Lebanon Baptist Church
Adjunct Professor
Piedmont Divinity School
On Tuesday, April 20, Lebanon Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC hosted its first annual ReVitalize Conference featuring Mark Clifton. Mark is the Lead National Strategist for Church Revitalization/Replanting at the North American Mission Board. The aim of the conference this year was to help local church pastors and leaders come together for a day of encouragement and training as they attempt to lead their churches post COVID. The conference was attended by over 175 pastors and church leaders representing 79 different churches from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia.
The conference was planned and led by two Carolina University Alumni/Piedmont Divinity School Adjunct Professors—Dr. Matt Smith and Nick Decker. Piedmont Divinity School sponsored the conference and our very own Interim Director, Dr. Mark Gregory, spoke to the pastors and church leaders about coming to and sending more students to Carolina University for high-quality, theologically-sound, practically relevant, financially responsible training for ministry.
To view this year’s conference sessions or to find out how you can receive practical coaching/consultation for your church, click here.
To find out more about ministry and theology degree programs offered through Piedmont Divinity School, click here.